Vitebsk Oblast ensures the provision of basic therapeutic, surgical, pediatric, gynecological and dental health care.
Currently, there are 69 inter-district medical centres (branches, offices), 30 shared equipment centers, 13 regional specialized centres. The activity of a mobile medical diagnostic system has been organized.
A range of operation has been maximum mastered in cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, eye microsurgery, performed at the level of national scientific and practical centres. Kidney aorta and cornea transplantation is performed.
Screening programs are being implemented that can detect cancer pathology in the early stages. Stationary breast centers have been created (Vitebsk Oblast Diagnostic Center, Vitebsk City Center Polyclinic, Polotsk Interdistrict Oncology Center), mobile diagnostic complex of Vitebsk Oblast Diagnostic Center provides an examination of the female population living in rural areas.
Health care is being digitalized.