6 Gogol Street, Vitebsk, 210010
Phone: (+ 375-212) 48-11-55
Fax: (+ 375-212) 48-11-56
Vitebsk Regional Executive Committee
Main > International Investment Forum

International Investment Forum

The Рrogram   
of the International Investment Forum

Terms:                                                          Place: Vitebsk HOKKEY PALACE 
MAY, 15-16, 2011.                                                                           
(Vitebsk, Stroitelei av.)

May 20, 2011  (Friday)

10.00 – 10.30

Welcome part (the main terrain of the palace)

10.30 – 18.00       

Exhibition of goods, investment projects and offers of the enterprises of Vitebsk region ( 1-st floor)

11.30 – 13.00       

Presentation of the main investment projects of the enterprises of Vitebsk region
Signing of contracts, plans on cooperation
(foyer on the 2- nd floor)

13.00 – 14.00

lunch time

14.00 – 17.00


Contact meetings (foyer on the 2- nd floor)
Acquaintance of participants of the forum to the enterprises of Vitebsk region, visiting of investment objects for construction (under individual plans according to preliminary requests)

Reception of the guests of the Forum (foyer on the 2- nd floor)

           May 21, 2011  (Saturday) 


Visiting enterprises, cities and regions of Vitebsk area by foreign delegations and visitors of the forum, carrying out of negotiations on cooperation development in sphere of trade and investments

Participation in the Forum is free-of-charge. We offer the help in room reservation in hotels, the organization of meetings and negotiations. Participants pay travel and accommodation expenses.

Accommodation: hotel "Luchesa", Vitebsk, Stroitelei av, 1,
ph. + 375-212-298500, a fax: + 375-212-298351, e-mail:

For more information please contact the Committee on economy of Vitebsk regional executive committee by fax +375 212 370850 or e-mails:,

Contact person:  Snezhana Miahkova (ph. +375 212 425350 deutsch)
Konstantin Chorny (ph. +375 212 425851 english)  .